Plan and execute agents

What are Plan and execute agents?

Plan and execute agents are a type of AI agent architecture designed to improve task execution by separating the planning phase from the execution phase. These agents use a large language model (LLM) to generate a multi-step plan for completing a task, and then execute each step of the plan without necessarily consulting the LLM for every action.

Understanding Plan and execute agents

Plan and execute agents are designed to overcome limitations of traditional Reasoning and Action (ReAct) style agents by explicitly planning out all steps required for a task before execution. This approach aims to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall performance.

Key aspects of Plan and execute agents include:

  1. Explicit Planning: Using an LLM to generate a comprehensive, multi-step plan for the entire task.
  2. Separated Execution: Carrying out the plan steps without necessarily consulting the main LLM for each action.
  3. Re-planning Capability: Ability to generate follow-up plans if the initial plan doesn't achieve the desired outcome.
  4. Task Decomposition: Breaking down complex tasks into manageable sub-tasks.
  5. Flexible Architecture: Can be implemented in various ways, from simple two-component systems to more complex designs like LLMCompiler.

Importance of Plan and execute agents in AI Applications

  1. Improved Efficiency: Can execute multi-step workflows faster than traditional ReAct agents.
  2. Cost Reduction: Potential for cost savings by reducing the number of calls to large, expensive LLMs.
  3. Enhanced Performance: Often leads to better task completion rates and output quality.
  4. Scalability: Enables handling of more complex, multi-step tasks effectively.
  5. Resource Optimization: Allows for more efficient use of computational resources.

Types of Plan and execute agents

  1. Basic Plan-and-Execute: Simple two-component system with a planner and executor(s).
  2. Reasoning WithOut Observations (ReWOO): Allows variable assignment in the planner's output for more flexible execution.
  3. LLMCompiler: Advanced architecture that streams a DAG of tasks for parallel execution.

Components of Plan and execute agents

  1. Planner: An LLM-based component that generates a multi-step plan for the task.
  2. Executor(s): Components that carry out individual steps of the plan, potentially using domain-specific models or tools.
  3. Re-planning Mechanism: Capability to assess progress and generate new plans if needed.
  4. Task Scheduling Unit: (In more advanced designs) Manages the execution of tasks, potentially in parallel.
  5. Variable Assignment System: (In some designs) Allows referencing outputs of previous steps in subsequent tasks.

Advantages of Plan and execute agents

  1. Faster Execution: Reduces the need for LLM calls after each action, speeding up multi-step tasks.
  2. Cost Efficiency: Minimizes the use of large, expensive LLMs for routine sub-tasks.
  3. Improved Task Completion: Forces the planner to consider the entire task, potentially leading to better outcomes.
  4. Flexibility: Allows for the use of specialized models or tools for specific sub-tasks.
  5. Scalability: Better equipped to handle complex, multi-step tasks compared to simpler agent designs.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Plan Quality: The overall performance heavily depends on the initial plan's quality.
  2. Re-planning Overhead: Determining when and how to re-plan can be challenging.
  3. Error Propagation: Mistakes in early steps can affect subsequent steps if not caught.
  4. Complexity in Implementation: More complex architectures like LLMCompiler can be challenging to implement and maintain.
  5. Balancing Generalization and Specialization: Ensuring the agent can handle a wide range of tasks while still being effective for specific domains.

Best Practices for Implementing Plan and execute agents

  1. Clear Task Definition: Ensure the overall task is well-defined for effective planning.
  2. Modular Design: Create reusable components for common sub-tasks.
  3. Robust Error Handling: Implement mechanisms to detect and handle errors at each step.
  4. Flexible Planning: Allow for dynamic re-planning when initial plans prove inadequate.
  5. Optimization of Sub-tasks: Use specialized models or tools for efficient execution of specific steps.
  6. Parallel Execution: Where possible, implement parallel execution of independent sub-tasks.
  7. Comprehensive Testing: Thoroughly test the agent across a wide range of task types and complexities.
  8. User Feedback Integration: Incorporate mechanisms for user feedback to improve plans and execution.

Example of Plan and execute agent Application

Task: Research and summarize the latest advancements in renewable energy.

  1. Planner generates a multi-step plan:a. Search for recent scientific papers on renewable energyb. Identify key themes and technologiesc. Look up statistics on adoption ratesd. Find information on challenges and future prospectse. Synthesize information into a coherent summary
  2. Executor carries out each step, potentially using different tools (search engines, database queries, specialized LLMs for analysis)
  3. Re-planning occurs if initial information is insufficient
  4. Final synthesis step creates the comprehensive summary

Related Terms

  • Chain-of-thought prompting: Guiding the model to show its reasoning process step-by-step.
  • Reinforcement Learning: A type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by taking actions in an environment to maximize cumulative reward.
  • Prompt engineering: The practice of designing and optimizing prompts to achieve desired outcomes from AI models.
  • Least-to-most prompting: A technique where complex tasks are broken down into simpler subtasks.
  • The first platform built for prompt engineering