Prompt scaffolding

What is Prompt scaffolding?

Prompt scaffolding is a technique in prompt engineering where a series of incremental, supportive prompts are used to guide an AI model towards more complex or nuanced responses. This approach involves building up the complexity of tasks or queries gradually, providing a structured framework for the AI to follow.

Understanding Prompt scaffolding

Prompt scaffolding draws inspiration from educational scaffolding techniques, where support is provided to learners and gradually removed as they gain proficiency. In the context of AI, it involves creating a series of interconnected prompts that build upon each other, allowing for more sophisticated interactions and outputs.

Key aspects of Prompt scaffolding include:

  1. Incremental Complexity: Gradually increasing the difficulty or depth of prompts.
  2. Structured Guidance: Providing a clear framework for the AI to follow.
  3. Step-by-Step Approach: Breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps.
  4. Context Building: Progressively adding context and information.
  5. Adaptive Support: Adjusting the level of guidance based on the AI's responses.

Methods of Prompt scaffolding

  1. Sequential Prompting: Using a series of prompts that build upon previous responses.
  2. Hierarchical Structuring: Organizing prompts from general to specific or simple to complex.
  3. Contextual Layering: Gradually adding more context or background information.
  4. Task Decomposition: Breaking down complex tasks into simpler, interconnected subtasks.
  5. Guided Reasoning: Prompting the AI to explain its thought process at each step.
  6. Iterative Refinement: Using each response to inform and refine subsequent prompts.
  7. Conditional Branching: Adapting the scaffold based on the AI's responses or performance.

Advantages of Prompt scaffolding

  1. Improved Task Handling: Enables AI to tackle more complex and nuanced tasks.
  2. Enhanced Clarity: Provides a clear structure for both the AI and the user.
  3. Reduced Cognitive Load: Breaks down complex problems into manageable parts.
  4. Increased Reliability: Often leads to more consistent and accurate outputs.
  5. Flexibility: Can be adapted to various domains and task types.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Time and Effort: Designing effective scaffolds can be time-consuming.
  2. Complexity Management: Balancing between sufficient guidance and over-complication.
  3. Model Limitations: Working within the constraints of the AI model's capabilities.
  4. Context Window Constraints: Managing the scaffold within token limits of the model.
  5. Generalization Issues: Ensuring scaffolds are adaptable to different scenarios.

Best Practices for Prompt scaffolding

  1. Clear Progression: Ensure a logical and gradual increase in complexity.
  2. Flexible Design: Create scaffolds that can adapt to different user needs or AI responses.
  3. Contextual Relevance: Maintain relevance to the overall task throughout the scaffold.
  4. User-Centric Approach: Consider the end-user's perspective when designing the scaffold.
  5. Iterative Testing: Continuously refine the scaffold based on performance and feedback.
  6. Balance Guidance and Autonomy: Provide enough support without overly constraining the AI.
  7. Modular Structure: Design scaffold components that can be reused or recombined.
  8. Exit Strategies: Include methods to gracefully conclude or transition out of the scaffold.

Example of Prompt scaffolding

Task: Analyzing a complex scientific article


  1. "Summarize the main topic of the article in one sentence."
  2. "Identify the key research questions or hypotheses presented."
  3. "Outline the methodology used in the study."
  4. "Describe the main findings or results."
  5. "Explain how these results answer the research questions."
  6. "Discuss any limitations mentioned in the study."
  7. "Synthesize the overall significance of this research in its field."

Each prompt builds upon the previous ones, guiding the AI through a comprehensive analysis of the article.

Related Terms

The first platform built for prompt engineering